Why is Nest.JS your efficient tool for the backend framework?

Is your project about to start rolling? We thought of easing your decision process a little bit by throwing some light on Nest.JS. We know that Nest.JS is not a single-stop solution for your software project. But if you understand Nest.JS better, we are sure that you can have a better idea of where to apply Nest.JS and where not to!

While choosing a framework, there are several factors that you should consider. For example, team expertise, problem to be solved, the expected scale, and much more.

For a microservice architecture-based project, Nest.JS can be ‘a too early’ consideration because of the factors mentioned just above. Except for the fact that microservices require communication between each other and monolithic does not, the Nest.JS framework can be used for either of the architectures and is not going to be a problem from the programming standpoint.

Let’s dive into the details of why Nest.JS is idle for your project by starting with the basics.

What is Nest.JS?

Nest.JS is a framework that can be used for building efficient, scalable Node.JS server-side applications. It makes use of progressive JavaScript and is built using and fully supports TypeScript along with elements of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Functional Programming (FP), and Functional Reactive Programming (FRP). Even though Nest.JS fully supports TypeScript, developers are still enabled with the provision to write codes in pure Javascript.

Nest.JS utilizes strong HTTP server frameworks like Express, by default and is configurable to use Fastify too, by choice. Nest gives a level of abstraction above the common Node.JS frameworks and also reveals the APIs to the developers directly. This way developers will have the liberty to choose large scores of modules that are available for the underlying platform.

What are the building blocks of Nest.JS?

  • Modules: It can array the codes and divide features into logical reusable units. Grouped TypeScript files are tagged with ‘@Module’ decorator to provide metadata Nest needs to organize the application structure.
  • Providers/Services: It is a design used for abstracting any form of complexity and logic. It can be created or infused into controllers or other providers.
  • Controllers: It processes incoming requests and returns corresponding responses to the client-side of the application like calling APIs.

What are the Features that make Nest.JS inevitable?

The features that made Nest.JS inevitable during the recent years are its incredible features and those are:

  • It uses TypeScript, a strongly typed language that is a superset of JavaScript.
  • Easy to learn and master the language. 
  • Easy to use.
  • CLI is robust and hence boosts productivity and simplifies development. 
  • Access to detailed and updated documentation.
  • Active code base development and maintenance.
  • It is MIT-licensed and open source.
  • Easily integrable with common technologies like TypeORM, Mongoose, GraphQL, Logging, validation, Caching, WebSockets, and many more and hence support several Nest. JS-specific modules.
  • Simple unit testing applications
  • Applicable for both monolithic and microservice architecture.

Why should Node.JS be opted?

For a very long period, Java was the most favored programming language for creating business applications. It was only recently that the limelight shifted to Node.JS. It has a high speed and drew the developers’ attention very quickly as it supported writing frontend and backend in the same programming language. Since Nest.JS is the rapidly growing framework of Node.JS, let us see why Nest.JS should be chosen over your existing framework.

Node.JS should be opted because:

  • It is a quick and efficient development process.
  • It is highly scalable and favors efficient maintenance of applications.
  • It has a unique position in the front-end and mid-tier development that many other languages could not fit in.
  • It uses TypeScript and therefore will ensure that it remains relevant in a fast-evolving JavaScript landscape and guess developers minimal context switching.
  • It backs the well-known transport layers for interservice communication like Redis pub/sub, NATS, MQTT, RabbitMQ, Kafka, gPRC, among others.
  • It strongly ascertains the project structure, common design patterns, best approaches, and other contributing factors because of the Angular-inspired framework traits.
  • It offers a variety of tools like CLI, project generator, decorators, interfaces, cache, logging, authorization, etc.
  • It can help build REST APIs, MVC applications, microservices, GraphQL applications, Web Sockets or CLIs, and CRON jobs.
  • Its structure and IoC mechanism allow conveniently plugging any library and therefore can be tagged as highly extensible.
  • It provides drivers for the topmost databases and enables developers to write their drivers for special databases.
  • It can manage dependencies and isolate modules from each other.
  • It is independent of different types of utils or boilerplate codes.
  • It is built for large-scale enterprise applications.
  • It uses Node.JS, TypeScript, and robust architectural patterns.
  • It has an Angular-based structure for application and this structure is very simple so that attention can be concentrated on the design of endpoints and their consumers and not the application structure.
  • The application will be scalable and highly testable because the developers are using only a specific architecture through the introduction of Angular-like modules, services, and controllers.
  • It supplies testing tools and techniques for writing efficient unit tests.
  • Its documentation is very extensive and has a very wide support community.


If you are looking for a great head start, go for Nest.JS. Set up an app and there, you are ready to go! Right from the very beginning and during the stages of defining the proper app structure, the boost this framework gives is quite impressive. The modern solutions and technologies that Nest.JS uses make the applications it creates easily maintainable and durable. It allows connecting with GraphQL, WebSockets, or used for building microservices. Now you know why Nest.JS is an excellent framework and if you think of upgrading or developing a new app, don’t think twice about Nest.JS. If you need a proficient team who can help you with upgrading an existing app or building an app from scratch, our team at Webdura is all set to help you.



Thanks For Reading!

Webdura Technologies

Webdura Technologies

Webdura technologies is a full spectrum technology company in India with over 10 years of experience in developing technological solutions using ​JavaScript (ES6+), React JS, React Native, Redux, Rematch, Vue JS, Graph QL, Apollo, Meteor JS, Node JS, Gatsby JS, PHP, Wordpress, MySQL, Mongo DB and other latest tools. Webdura technologies have joined hands with many international and national giants to put forth cutting edge applications in this past decade.



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