Top 7 tips to manage the Remote Team

What was considered to be impossible by many organizations became possible in recent years.

You might be wondering what is it?

It’s remote work, which is quite normal these days.

A recent study that appeared in the Economic times shows that 60% of the employees considered remote work as the biggest trend. Moreover, 44% of the employees who were surveyed opted for remote work,  24% for a hybrid work model, and a small percentage opted to work from offices in the coming years.

These statistics are quite exciting and thought-provoking.

Let’s discuss more on it.

Why do employees prefer to work remotely?

1. Flexibility
Remote work provides the employees the flexibility to decide on how the time must be utilized. The flexibility in work enhances the efficiency of the employees and they will be able to maintain a work-life balance.
2. Location
Employees are able to work from anywhere. They need not have to be in a particular place that doesn’t match their preferences. A good internet connection is the only requirement to work remotely.
3. Better health & happiness
Employees are able to work in their desired environment where they could relax as well as work. Happy employees are more productive and motivated leading to a better quality of work.
4. Time
Some people work better in the daytime while some are more lively and come up with better ideas in the evenings. A remote job enables employees to manage their schedules. The employees can make their own flexible schedules in remote jobs without affecting their colleagues or meeting deadlines.

Does remote work benefit only the employees?

No, remote work provides varied benefits not only to employees but also to employers.

What are the benefits of remote work to an employer?

1. Increase in productivity
Various studies have shown that remote workers are able to work longer and are more productive when compared to workers in the traditional office setting. This is because employees are happy and are not interested to lose their remote work privileges.
2. Better Talent Pool
There is a limit on the access to the talent pool that traditional working arrangements can reach in the process of hiring. Take for example you have found a candidate from a different place who is suitable for the vacancy. But if he/ she is not willing to relocate, you’re out of luck.

When the opportunity for remote work is offered, the talent pool that the employer can access will expand. Moreover, you can find people with specialized skill sets.

3. Performance is better
Remote employees not only work more but also provide results of higher quality. Studies have shown that remote employees provide results with fewer mistakes. Quality in work enhances the growth of the business.
4. Healthy Workforce
The employees who work remotely have better physical and mental health when compared to their office counterparts. It is because they have better flexibility to address their health issues.

There is less absenteeism and fewer missed working days because of sickness or burnout.

5. Employee Retention rate
It would be difficult for a company to maintain performance and grow while there is frequent employee turnover. Flexibility in work is a crucial factor for retaining valuable employees. The employees who have flexible working arrangements will be able to accommodate life changes without changing jobs. Thus remote work offers flexibility which will help to retain employees.
6. Operating costs are lower
How can remote work lead to savings?

There are many examples like reduced office space, office supplies, lower energy bills, etc. Some remote workers even have their own workspaces in their houses. Although remote work makes some matters like cybersecurity, new employee onboarding, and collaboration complicated, the overall increase in productivity, quality of work, employee retention, etc makes the effort worthwhile.

Till now we have discussed the benefits of having a remote team. But managing the remote team is not an easy task.

Research conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management found that a greater proportion of employers are finding it difficult to manage a remote team.

Check out the tips for the effective utilization of the remote workforce.

Tips for managing the Remote Team

1. Daily and weekly check-ins
Schedule weekly & daily check-ins with the remote team. Emails, messages, and video conferencing can be used by the team leads to ensure a smooth flow of work. Face-to-face interaction is possible with the teammates through video conferencing. Moreover, a weekly update of the results achieved can be asked from the teammates to judge their progress towards the standards set. When an agile workforce is chosen, it offers the flexibility to meet the changing workforce targets.
2. Outcomes need to be focused
It is one of the best practices to increase engagement and empower the employees. The team leads have to clearly define the goals and desired outcomes to the members of the team and then the members must be allowed to develop a plan of execution for the completion of the tasks allocated to them. This will enhance the creativity & efficiency of the employees.
3. Resources are to be provided
A battlefield commander will not send the troop into the fray without proper training & resources. The remote team must be provided adequate resources like laptops, better WiFi, headsets, webcam, etc. Also, adequate training needs to be provided to learn new skills or upgrade the existing skillset of the employees.
4. Remote Social Interactions
Remote social interactions can be encouraged among the team members. This can avoid monotony in work and encourage open discussion among the team members. Moreover, team members can better know each other through interactive online sessions.
5. Empathy
The managers or the team leads should acknowledge the stress & listen to the concerns of the team members. Research has shown that employees turn to their managers for cues on how to react to sudden changes or crisis situations.
6. Flexibility
Each team member has a different home environment. Some will have private home offices while some do not. A manager or a team lead should understand the situations of the team members.  Also, allow flexible hours to ensure consistency & better productivity.
7. Mentor and not micromanage
The best leaders will mentor or coach and not micromanage.  Regular one-on-one check-in can prevent micromanaging. If the communication with the team is regular and the deadlines or goals are met, you can be sure that work is completed efficiently by the team members.

Try out these simple tips to build an efficient remote team.

To wrap up, remote teams can lead to better productivity and greater results. Efficient management of the team can take the organization to greater heights.


Thanks For Reading!

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