Tailwind CSS: The Responsive CSS for Modern Applications



Are you into modern application development? Then you might have heard of Tailwind CSS. This CSS was released in 2017 and brings to you a completely different approach for styling. Tailwind is in favor of purpose-centric classes included in ‘functional CSS’ and cuts off the semantic class names. The power-packed, memorable and concise syntax of Tailwind makes it a fast-rising substitute for Bootstrap and Foundation.

What is Tailwind CSS?

Tailwind is a free, open-source, community-supported CSS framework with over 800 components and templates for bootstrapping new projects, applications, and landing pages. This utility-based CSS framework supports the rapid building of custom UI components. It does not have pre-styled components like other CSS libraries and frameworks. If you want to style CSS components like margin, flex, color among others you can build and customize those interfaces using its provision of low-level utility classes.

How to install Tailwind CSS?

Procedure 1: Install Tailwind via npm

  1. npm init -y
  2. Npm install tailwindcss
  3. Use the @tailwind directive to inject Tailwind’s base,components, and utilities styles into your CSS file
  4. npx tailwindcss init
  5. npx tailwindcss build styles.css -o output.css

You can also choose an alternative procedure which is using Tailwind via CDN, but it has certain limitations like inability to use default themes, and directives like @apply, @variants, etc. Also third party plugins cannot be installed. 

The importance of Tailwind

The developer community is highly endorsing Tailwind CSS right from the time of its instigation because it provides the developers flexibility to create custom interfaces without being circumscribed by any UI library rules.

On the contrary, certain developers find this attribute a little para; using it for the development process as certain available components can save time for getting started faster for certain components rather than beginning from the scratch.

Tailwind has fully responsive UI components and page templates that allow developers to copy and paste HTML snippets directly into their codebase for using or modifying. You can concentrate on your potential outcomes and onset your project at the earliest with these collections, thereby giving more power to your developers and your organization itself.

Sounds worth a try, right? In this article, you will get to know more about Tailwind CSS and its styling components. So, let’s dive in!


  • Tailwind Components


Dropdowns, logins, models, tabs, among others, were all part of Tailwind CSS’s collection, alongside the very beneficial cheat sheet. If you wish, you can even recommend your components for others’ use. For using any component or template, you only need to click on that respective component and then you will be redirected to an individual page. You can preview, download, pin it to GitHub or directly copy the code as you want.


  • Tailblocks


Tailblocks have dozens of testimonials, teams, steps, statistics, and other layout blocks. Have you been wanting to switch to dark mode support? Tailblock has it and it allows you to change the primary colors from the interface. You simply need to choose a layout, any color from the color palette, choose the dark or light mode, select the View Code button, and simply copy-paste it to your project.


  • Meraki UI


Supporting the right to left languages is all-encompassed under Meraki UI with the help of dozens of CSS components. If your default browser language is set as an RTL language, Merakai UI can reverse everything including text, scroll, progress indicators, buttons, etc. Meraki UI includes alerts, login forms, buttons, cards, dropdowns, navigation bar, pagination, and footers- your only copy for making use of these components.


  • Tailwind Toolbox


An open-source, community-supported Tailwind Toolbox is a directory of plugins, tools, generators, kits, and guides that supports better usage of Tailwind CSS. It also includes around 45 landing pages and 16 components, and there is even an option for making better usage of Tailwind CSS. Using Suggest a Resource option, you even have an option to contribute to the collection. For JavaScript interaction like opening or closing of modals, Tailwind Toolbox even provides scripts. For using these scripts, you only need to click on the template or the component and then download it for templates or copy the code for components.


  • Tailwind Templates


Tailwind Templates has more than 30 unique component designs like alerts, buttons, cards, forms, search inputs, and modals and is growing its collection to style with Tailwind CSS. It has only feature components and if you need any of these components, then click on the classification, and simply copy the code.


  • Lofi UI


Lofi UI has low-fidelity CSS components, which means that the components can be reused and have minimal styles. These components are built to be efficient enough while using HTML. On clicking any component in Lofi UI, you will be redirected to CodePn so that from there you can customize and copy the resulting code. 


  • Kometa UI Kit


Kometa has more than a hundred components and layout blocks in a multitude of categories like navigation, headers, features, content, statistics, footers, and pricing among others. The layouts are responsive and are accessible as plain HTML snippets or React components. You can use any components in Kometa by clicking on the parent classification, selecting a variation of your choice, copying the code as plain HTML, Vue, or React code.

Advantages of Tailwind CSS

  • Control over styling
  • Quicker CSS styling process
  • CSS classes and IDs will have standardized names
  • Lines of codes in CSS files are minimized
  • Components can be subjected to design customization
  • Websites’ responsiveness and security is boosted
  • Changes can be made in the desired manner
  • Comes with extra features
  • Has common utility patterns
  • It can be optimized using PurgeCSS


Tailwind CSS instigated a paradigm shift in the way CSS is utilized. Creating layouts using Tailwind CSS has become a cakewalk for developers. If you wish to have more control over the look you want or determine what can be advantageous and what can be disadvantageous for your design,  then Tailwind CSS is your optimal answer because you will have everything to yourself. If you are familiar with CSS and want to speed up the designing and creation of your development process in the long run, then go for Tailwind CSS!




Thanks For Reading!

Webdura Technologies

Webdura Technologies

Webdura technologies is a full spectrum technology company in India with over 10 years of experience in developing technological solutions using ​JavaScript (ES6+), React JS, React Native, Redux, Rematch, Vue JS, Graph QL, Apollo, Meteor JS, Node JS, Gatsby JS, PHP, Wordpress, MySQL, Mongo DB and other latest tools. Webdura technologies have joined hands with many international and national giants to put forth cutting edge applications in this past decade.



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