Automation Testing in 2022

What are the latest trends of Automation Testing in 2022?


Technologies are emerging, business environments are becoming competitive, and modern enterprises are trying different ways to stay ahead of their competition through innovative approaches. Of the many resources companies opt for, automated testing software services are one provision that companies are keeping an eye on. 

The remote working culture has directly impacted the software industries in sharing documents and ideas at full tilt with the help of digital mediums. Test automation is no different. Now, automation testing is also allowing companies to run faster release cycles and improve customer satisfaction. 

While organizations can enjoy the benefit of the reduced time cycles of software releases, it is just the tip of the iceberg. Automation testing offers a myriad of benefits during the software companies’ transition from traditional to agile settings. Do you think it is just DevOps and Agile are the buzzwords in modern software development? Well, NO! Test automation has become a buzzword in a fast-moving pace of software development. As per the latest studies, it is predicted that the software testing services market will grow by $34.49 billion during 2021-2025 at a CAGR of 12%.

If you tell us that testing is about finding bugs or issues in a software product, we have a little more to add to it- testing is also about proactively discovering what can go wrong and safe proofing the product against all the odds, and making it function properly.

The automation testing practices are picking up pace quite surprisingly and testers are quickly and efficiently executing ways to ensure the product meets the expected quality, security, and compliance requirements. Which are the top automation tests in 2022? Let us have a look.

Top Automation Testing in 2022

Automation testing offers several advantages like improved accuracy, wider test coverage, early-stage bug detection, cost-effectiveness, and improved app performance. However, it is crucial to consider certain metrics like platform compatibility, test creation methods, operating system compatibility, versatility, price, and data formats to fetch and feed data. Keeping these points in mind, let us now move on to the top automation testing trends in 2022…

Agile and DevOps

In Agile, testing is a fundamental part of the software development process. DevOps combines Development (Dev) and Operations (Ops) for shortening the software development life cycle and managing end to end processes. Modern enterprises are adopting Agile and DevOps processes to reduce the software lifecycle starting from development and operation to enhance the quality of the released products. The latest trends point to the fact that companies are largely adopting Agile and DevOps for developing and delivering quality products faster.


QAOps is a combination of Quality Assurance (QA) and IT operations (Ops). with utmost quality, it ensures faster delivery of software products to market. Through this, the QA tasks will be integrated into the Continuous Integration/ Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) so that there will be more collaboration between test engineers and developers. It is presumed that after DevOps practices, QAOps will be the next big thing for modern companies in the coming days. Hence, companies have already started equipping their QA professionals with QAOps processes.

Codeless Automated Testing

The formation of test cases can be accelerated by further catalyzing test automation with the help of artificial intelligence and visual modeling. This means that testers can execute test cases scenarios with zero coding knowledge, and can therefore reduce the time invested on recurring test cases. It offers many advantages like fast test case formation, flattening the learning curve for testers, and accelerating the automation process.

Scriptless Test Automation

If testers spent time studying new and complex programming languages while working on the backlogs, it can be quite toilsome. Through scriptless automation tools, testers will be able to automate reusable and resilient tests with the support of AI and ML combined resulting in self-correction mechanisms and consistent results. Scriptless test automation is very user-friendly, provides faster results, reduces the time and effort required for maintenance, and fills the potential technical-level gaps of the testers.

Selenium 4

Some companies use Selenium over other automation testing tools over Agile and DevOps processes because it suits best for their software projects to release products faster to market. As an open-source test automation tool, Selenium automates web applications. Its unique features make it the favorite tool for testers and QA teams compared to other automation tools. It supports multiple programming languages and multiple operating systems and even facilitates cross-browser compatibility testing. Of the many releases, Selenium 4 (alpha) was released during the last quarter of 2022 and has had the special attention of testers. It comes with multitudes of features like relative locators, open-source chromium driver support for Edge browser, selenium grid, docker support, and much more!

Is Key Test Automation Trends the Future of Testing?

Unquestionably yes! When the trends keep unfolding at a faster pace, companies must keep up with the future of testing a step ahead. The new pace in which new trends unwrap. The current trends like AI-powered test automation, Self-healing tools, scoreless testing, futuristic integrations, and advanced CI/CD pipelines are a few of them that companies should keep a note of.


Apart from the above-mentioned trends, there are other trends too like Big Data testing, IoT test automation, AI and ML, Robotic Process Automation, Shift left testing, Blockchain testing among others that is gaining widespread attention.

With the trends that are gaining much traction in software testing, companies need to focus more on ensuring the quality of the software product by utilizing paid or open-source tools, whichever fits rightly for their requirements. Ultimately, the aim should be to roll high-quality software products to the market.

These trends surely have a huge pretense on the test automation business. As the industries sail through the year 2022, these are some of the top test automation trends to bear in mind. While certain of the trends discussed here are not visible in the man stream yet, some are already huge topics of discussion. But one thing is for sure- all of them have their pivotal extents to showcase in the coming months!


Thanks For Reading!

Webdura Technologies

Webdura Technologies

Webdura technologies is a full spectrum technology company in India with over 10 years of experience in developing technological solutions using ​JavaScript (ES6+), React JS, React Native, Redux, Rematch, Vue JS, Graph QL, Apollo, Meteor JS, Node JS, Gatsby JS, PHP, Wordpress, MySQL, Mongo DB and other latest tools. Webdura technologies have joined hands with many international and national giants to put forth cutting edge applications in this past decade.



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